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Friday, July 15, 2016

Hold that Delivery

I was walking down the street yesterday and saw this casket delivery truck waiting to unload.  Counting the boxes I realized that it would take just over 10 of these trucks to account for the men and women in Blue who have been killed in the line of duty in our country.  I usually never comment on a political situation in social media.  Now, I'm making an exception.  Just once.  Being out of the country, the majority of the news comes to me from the internet and a little from TV.  Everything out there is some kind of race article that seems it's only purpose is to make headlines and work up hysteria.  I know for a fact that, "Black Lives matter".  I know that and I always have.  Never once in my "Mesquite" upbringing or my living in Terlingau (black population, 3. ) did anyone say Black Lives don't matter.  Not once.  So, I'm completely sure in my heart they matter.  But I'm also sure that White Lives matter, Native Americans matter, I think a few Asians would like for their lives to matter.  Maybe the the guy doing the rock work on your patio matter too.  There are people in this country that don't want their lives to matter and we make them matter anyway.  So WTF.  How much more stupidity can we absorb from a few wanting some headlines.  Enough.  

Now for my rant.  I only know a few things for sure.  Taxes are too high, there is some really bad chardonnay, ear hair can't be stopped, no one cares about Taylor swift or deflatgate. and we owe a debt to law enforcement officers in every city, town, rural nowhere in this country.  We owe them a debt.  Plain and simple.  Are they heroes?  NO. not all the time.  Some of them are flat out gold plated heroes.  They are doing a dangerous, difficult, and mind bogglingly unappreciated job.  Nothing less.

I have been a paramedic for over 30 years.  Not on the streets all that time but a lot of it. Maybe the world is a safer place when I off the street. Who knows.  It's a job I've done around the world.  I can tell you this.  In all those times, hundreds of calls in the worse conditions, I have never gone in first when they were there.  They do shit you can't even imagine.  Deal with people our society would not even agree to believe exist.  AND they do it every damn day of the year and you never ever hear about it.  Unless, something goes wrong.  If we could "get it right" as much as they do everyday around this country....we would cure cancer, decrease big government, teach dogs to talk, and have the cowboys win another Super Bowl.   You don't need to buy them coffee to feel better.  Just give them the respect they deserve for what they do.  The bad ones need to go and the good ones need to know that you understand they are not part of that.   I've had some shitty bank tellers in my years, but I don't refuse to sit next to people that work at a bank.

If you have a minority friend, tell them how you feel.  We all have to change.  They have their feelings and fears too, If you don't have a minority friend....find one.  If you have a redneck friend, educate them and listen to their story too.  Let's put the casket truck out of business for everyone, especially the men and women in Blue.   If you agree with this message, you don't have to do a damn thing with it.  In fact, get off social media and find something productive to do.  Adios.  

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