Come follow the action. Add yourself as a follower and get your invitation details.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

One Photo # 59, A Friendly Face

Anyone ever woken up and saw this guy staring at you?  Come on, I know there are a few of you.  Well, it happened to me this morning.  I woke up and he or she, I'm not sure the gender was staring at me.  NO..I was not laying on the floor.  I was where I was supposed to be.  I'm not sure where the demons seem to come from in our lives.  Actually I kind of like this one.  We have been hanging out for a long time.  So, I would say today...confront your demons head on.  Then, move them to the closet.  But...it is Fat Tuesday and this should be coming from the Oliver House in the Quarter.  Les Bonne temps roule.  

Monday, February 27, 2017

One Photo # 58, Moving Heaven and Earth

I was pushing useless material objects around in my morning coffee haze and I heard a mechanized sound on the road above OM.  To my surprise it was the Big Bend Telephone assault crew coming to dig me a telephone line.  What no Javelina's gnawing on my line?  I was shocked to say the least.  After all.. it could be up to 3 months for a line they said.  Really?  3 months so I can pay them more money?  OK.  But here they are.  Big machines lurching and grinding there way to my humble settlement.  Huge Orange cable snaking into the ground.  A true construction marvel.  End of the day it was done.  My desert oasis was even better than before.  Men, machinery, technological expertise was all in play.  Until the foreman ca
me to the door and said.....we forgot our crimping tool and we can't splice into the Javelina cable.  No solid service for at least a week.  I offered my own tools but they said it was against policy.  So, there you go.  When technology seems to be the answer you just can't be sure.  Crimp on my friends ....please Crimp on.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

One Photo # 57, On my Strings

Sunday fun day.  On the porch at the trading post in Terlingua.  If you are not here you should find a way to get here.  Once in your life.  To all those who see the different sign post...or the one that was once there.  A drink to the strings and those who love them.  

Saturday, February 25, 2017

One Photo # 56, The Garden of Eden

In all the things that have been written about Terlingua I'm not sure this one has been mentioned.  We certainly have our quirky folks and the Saturday Community Garden can bring them out.  It's an
eclectic gathering of home vendors and crafts people that meet on Saturdays for a few months and sell their wares.  Home made gourmet cheese, crystal water prisms, fresh veggies, and maybe some sweet banana bread are all available for taking.  Every once in awhile they might do a demonstration on how to make adobe bricks or straw bail houses.  Maybe some solar energy will creep in or how to dig our own personal septic tank.  All in all a very peaceful and useful fair.  So, if you decide to head this way, be sure and stop by the Community Garden and meet a few of the locals.... 

Friday, February 24, 2017

One Photo #55, A Tall Java

Sultry, tanned, and oh so hot.  She knows I love blue and no one wears it like my little javaita.  We meet in the mornings usually.  A discreet rendezvous often overlooked these days by the ever growing crowds of tourons. (reverse and look it up).  They hardly notice the intimate dance....all cream and sugar until we stir and finally are one....only to realize it only will last so long.  Leaving us cold and empty...longing for tomorrow and a new cup of warmth.  To the barista par excellence.... GL. and the Milagranestas.   Until tomorrow.  

One Photo # 54, The Hook Up

It occurred to me this morning that hooking up a trailer alone is a lot like life.  Stay with me on this one.  The hook up is maybe a little like being successful at something like life.   You go in blind and backwards a little at a time.  Timid for the most part, moving slow.  You are afraid to go fast or go too far all at once.  You move one direction and stop, then get out and realize you are going in the wrong direction.  You adjust and try again.  Continually changing direction until you get where you need to go.  You make a solid connection and then get to look forward again.  Like life, don't you think?  Certainly, things get easier with help too.  So, maybe we all should think about the continuous redirection it takes to get to where you really want to go.  

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

One Photo #53, The Little Birdy

It's been unseasonably warm in Terlingua of late.  Wildflowers are blooming, shorts are back on, and hot coffee is slowing down.  With this weather change it brings out all kinds of critters.  Still a little cold at night for snakes, which is fine with me but not too cold for little birds.  In this case big bird.  One of those Terlingua things I guess.  Kelly and Monica came to visit in this bird just South of trash can hill.  If you ever come out this way.  You will know trash can because.....yep....there are trash cans there.  My guy made it so no worries there.  It's nice to know the bird is around in times of need.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

One Photo # 52, Skeeter

Some things just don't require a caption.  Go back and figure it out. Kisses KPL. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

One Photo # 51, Fire and Rain

Oh, I've seen fire and I've seen rain
I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end
I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought that I'd see you, baby, one more time again, now

Sometimes the things that you think aren't possible....are.  

Sunday, February 19, 2017

One Photo # 50, Sweet Rain

There is nothing like rain in the desert.  No matter what time of the year.  Today it rained for about four hours.  That's all four hours.  Just enough to make a little mud.  Not like those East Texas or Louisiana rains but still a rain.  Tomorrow the plants will green up and maybe more bluebonnets will pop out.  Yes, it's been a little warm here.  I will exploring water catchment options for the OM soaking pool in the coming weeks.  No reason not to take advantage of the gift.  

Saturday, February 18, 2017

One Photo # 49, Siege of the Tourons

Touronism  is an ugly thing.  It descends on a beautiful place and contaminates the surroundings and all that we came to a place for in the first place.  Having been a recovering touron I know this and can speak from experience.  I realize that tourons are so "into it" that they don't know they are ordering a coffee with a prep time of 13 minutes and a line behind them of 20 souls...some locals.  They don't realize they stop in the middle of the road to take a picture of the hardware store sign or that they drive so slowly that they have to brake when the car is in idle.  I know this.  Designer clothes make that squeaky noise as they ask for extra large marshmallows at the Cottonwood store.  Yes, I have been there.  Now, I'm the local in a siege of tourons and I can't help but wonder if I will be afflicted with the disease again?  Perhaps...but as all recovering tourons know...have patience because you are only a "scenic view" away from relapse.   

Friday, February 17, 2017

One Photo # 48, The Weather Man

Being in harsh environments requires one to monitor your weather situation.  Not paying attention can get you killed.  I remember falling off of a dog sled in the middle of the night in Arctic and thought I was going to die right there.   Well, ok.  I was stumbling across the courtyard at Lion's Head in Vail going from one Apres Ski to another when I slipped and fell in the snow bank.  Same sort of thing.  Today the weather station is up and running.  I have to go out in the elements and double check the installation.  Damn scary out there.  

Today I am launching a new Big Bend weather classification.  Similar to my college Dr. Fujita's work on tornadoes.   The classification is named the Hillitta scale of wind velocity.  I won't bore you with the formula's but it goes sort of like this.

H-1   Little Breezy

H-2   Damn Breezy

H-3  Freaking Windy

H-4  Blowin it's Ass Off

H-5 @$##@%ing  Tornado

Today we were in the H-2 category as opposed to three night ago when we hit the H-4 and made my roof a little lighter.   While you may not see me tied to a stop sign during a storm on the weather channel, I will do my best to protect and serve.  

Thursday, February 16, 2017

One Photo # 47, Outdoor Office

The goal this year is to forge a new frontier.  I have ventured into the trend setting realm now to "kick it up a notch".  Behold...the latest crazy.  The outdoor office!  It may start at OM in Terlingua but will surely take the world by storm.  Open air...so better for you.  Unless you live in some smog filled hell hole.  Easy cleaning...just sweep it out, or wait for a strong wind.  (With the wind, your results may vary).  No glass to clean...except those sand goggles.  Yes, I think the concept is sound.  The details may need to be worked out.  Free advice is worth the price you pay, but it I were you I would start investing in major paper weight company stock.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

One Photo # 46, Lifeline Terlingua

Does anyone remember the world before Al Gore made the internet?  I barely do.  I have become accustomed to being able to log on and google the world.  Now, living the pioneer life.  I realize that the little grey cable is not just a cable but a lifeline.  Since there is only one phone technician for 4500 square miles of desert....it might take put to three months to get some "real" service.  So, thankfully the only phone technician in the area is also a humanitarian.  I now have 1000 feet of phone cable strung in the bushes and cactus to the By Miles HQ.  A permanent fix?  No not hardly.  I was told the coyotes and the field mice enjoy dining on the outer coating.   If you ever come this way....know this...life is hard in this part of the world.  Adios.  

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

One Photo #45, The Greasewood

North of the metropolis of Terlingua on highway 118 just at the edge of civilization there lies a very upbeat and unusual place.  The mysterious Greasewood Grocery.  Looking at the picture you might wonder what wares could be sold in such a place.  Nail?  Maybe.  Ammunition?  Certainly possible.  Luke warm beer?  More than likely.  The truth of the matter is ....I have no idea.  I have been told the Greasewood is sort of a co-op kind of place.  Staffed occasionally with some locals who sell whatever is inside.  I'm just not sure.  Most of the time I am in such a hurry, either in or out of town that I don't feel comfortable stopping.  But that is really a ruse.  You see, I just don't want to be disappointed.  What if it's nothing as exotic as my imagination?   What then?  I would never look at the Greasewood the same way.  So for now, I'm going to let my imagination control my actions and look curiously and drive on.   A toast on Valentine's Day to the Greasewood and all that "might be".  

Monday, February 13, 2017

One Photo # 44, The Pizza Man

You are laying in the back of a space age looking Advanced Life Support rig.  Trying to hang on as a serious looking person in a uniform is pushing buttons, sticking you with ouches, putting things on you, in you, with bags of stuff and tubes flowing things into your body.  Life saving interventions performed by a dedicated front line medical professional.  Intense, concentrated, and focused.  I hope with all my heart this isn't every going to be you or anyone you are close to.  But if it is...I hope you don't wonder if all they were thinking was.....thin crust or thick crust for lunch?  

One Photo # 43, Tres Amigo

I was sitting here weathering out the wind in the “Dancer”, short for the Land Yacht.  A few of you may remember the water “Slow Dancer” before the near sinking.  As was counting the minutes until being blown into the desert, I realized that friends are often times few and far between.  I’m not talking those sort of friends...  You know the ...OMG he is going to play golf on Valentines Day or the ones that occasionally rear their heads in your life.  You know who I mean.  Oh, I didn’t know you survived cancer and moved to Wyoming and became governor.  Or the guys who go...”Wow that was a great game....???  And they are talking about the one night in 1976 when they ripped one.  

I’m talking about those chosen few who don’t hang up.. the ones who ask you something, the ones who will listen after 5.7 years of silence.  It’s strange I think because men seem to do it differently.  We do a piss pour job of maintenance but somehow can over come the time.  Well, some of the time.    My question to you tonight and don’t think this is one of those read and forget posts....oh no...  

How many friends are friends...not the 343,345 on Facebook?  Do you have three?  If so... you may win the prize...TBA of course.... You do not have to be present to win, but it always helps.  All results are confidential.  Enjoy the exercise...or not.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

One Photo # 42, Adios Presidio

For some strange reason a few months ago I decided that I had too much time on my hands.  So, I decided to pick up a shift or two in the dusty border town of Presidio.   In that time I have been extremely bored, totally confused, and terrified.  Only one English speaking patient in those months and all kinds of other challenges.  My Spanish might even be a little better.  Anyway, I have decided to move on.  The picture should say it all...   Thanks for the memories and rest in peace.  

Friday, February 10, 2017

One Photo # 41, A Toy Story

No one loves a new toy more than me.  It really doesn't matter what it is.  Amazon prime has a truck named after me.  Aptly named....Miles of Debt.   This one I have been waiting some time for.  A new compact camera.  This thing can do a hundred times more than the ridiculously expense and now almost obsolete fleet of DSLR monsters nestled in my storage containers.  So, this begs the question? Does it make more sense to wait and buy a piece of electronics until the next version comes out...Always hoping they will hit a wall and stop making better junk?  OR....buy the latest version only to be beaten down when you see the newer version while you are waiting for the delivery?  I'm all ears...  Beware all...my little friend Canon G7X and I may be waiting in the bushes to send your image to the National Enquirer.   

Thursday, February 9, 2017

One Photo # 40, The Pioneer Life

It's a hard land out here in the desert.  Harsh environments, thorny things, and a few stinging, biting, poisonous sorts of things.  So, being the pioneer kind I have taken to some rural carpentry.  Thinking back building a deck was one of those things a "man" should know.   I'm feeling pretty good about the result except for the toll extracted from the old body.  Next maybe a log house or something....nawh!!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

One Photo # 39, The Weiner Car

Every once in awhile you stumble upon something that just makes you smile.  Does anyone remember this thing.  Seems like it was always parked out front of the State Fair.  I remember seeing it driving once and got my mother to follow it for about 4 blocks.  The thing lives and looks like it's had a make over.  Plush bucket seats with straps and such.  It looks like the seats go all the way back to where the relish would go.  Now that is tasty ride....

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

One Photo # 38, El Paisano

What is it about Marfa?  A dusty old West Texas Town that was nothing except the place they filmed Giant and they have those lights that confuse a few folks.  Now it's an Art Mecca and Hipster town.  How?  Why?  There aren't any real people there that I can tell.  Just hip looking old buildings.  Not even any locals.  Just buildings with no one around.  If you go there and see anyone please let me know.  A drink at the Jett bar is always a solitary experience.   Plus one jumping tourist.  Go figure.

Monday, February 6, 2017

One Photo # 37, Enough said

After a lot of "stuff", you forget to just look up and around and hold the ones that love you, if you can.  And what you find...is always a treasure, magic, mystery sometimes and maybe even a little clarity in a very turbulent world....  A toast to the ones who know you...and a kind warning to the ones that do not...yet...

Sunday, February 5, 2017

One Photo #36, In the Nest

Baby is home.  At least for a short while.  All systems go, which of course is huge since I did the wiring and plumbing.  Feels good to have a place on wheels.  No explanation for that feeling.  A new more mobile reality.    The tub is next and I'm going to open an invitation to the up and coming croquet tournament in coming months.  Please send in your current record or other pertinent information.  No judges orders will be final or above negotiation.  Photos excepted.... 

One Photo # 35, Making Sail

The time has come to make sail away in the Land Yacht.   I feel a lot like Columbus and Magellan.   Fear and excitement all rolled into one.  The fact that I have never driven one of these beasts seems to factor in to my "fear" side.  No provisions due to logistics...only my nerve and goggle maps at my side.  Off into the morning I will go....not knowing the outcome.   New worlds ahead....like the guy at the gas station..."man you gotta big ride".   

Saturday, February 4, 2017

One Photo # 34, Confessions of a Bus Traveler

It has been abut 45 plus years since this cowboy as been on a bus in the US.  Yep.  A long time.  I know I should have and have been a happy traveler on buses around the world.  From the Ong yap buses in Vietnam to the Chicken Bus in Guatemala.  Ok, that one didn't turn out that well if DC remembers that one.  But all in all I'm have done some bus travel.  This trip to SA on the Greyhound was one scary deal.  The system was great.  On time, and clean.   It was the clientele that was a little suspect.  The screaming lady in the back, the guy just talking out loud to himself, or maybe the fight at the bus station that closed the snack bar.  All in all it did the trick, I got here but it left it's mark on me.   The virtues of vehicle ownership are apparent.  It saddens me to say.... The photo is a picture of the drivers safe space.  From the looks of the crowd,  he needed it.  The Captain is picking up the land yacht today.  Smooth Sailing I HOPE.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

One Photo # 33, Skeeter

19 days of work and that one evening off.  A quiet before the storm at OM.   Skeeters hat is solo sweet.  From KPL and the Skeeter Nation.  LOL.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

One Photo # 32, Functional Hoarders

How many of you feel like you really have no idea who you are?  A show of hands will be fine.  Great.  All of you.  I thought so.  For some reason I feel like I learn something about myself more and more as I get a little older.  Over the last few years I have been pondering the dilemma of "stuff".  Over sizing, downsizing, super sizing, and resizing.  It seems like some twisted cycle that has it's own inertia.   You get rid of shit, only to realize you now have to buy it back at double the cost.  Or you give it away and then need it back and your best buddy say, "well noooo".   I have come to the conclusion from these miserable cycles that it must be a mutant gene in us that remembers not how important that "thing" is to us, but how much we paid for it.  Utility or importance have nothing to do with it.  It's that price tag that stubs your toe on the table.  I was looking at a few things today as I was  moving a few items and realized that the 6 inch yurt tape was most likely never going to be used in my future.  Yet, I have not been able to part with it.  Or the 6 claw hammers that have nested in my tool box.  Why?  I have no idea.  But they are in great shape after all.  Maybe I will give them away as stocking stuffers some day.  But not now...

It's about what we paid for it and not how important it is to us now.  I'm certain of that.  Suddenly I wonder if that law would apply to other things in our lives......OHHHHH  yes...that too.