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Friday, February 10, 2017

One Photo # 41, A Toy Story

No one loves a new toy more than me.  It really doesn't matter what it is.  Amazon prime has a truck named after me.  Aptly named....Miles of Debt.   This one I have been waiting some time for.  A new compact camera.  This thing can do a hundred times more than the ridiculously expense and now almost obsolete fleet of DSLR monsters nestled in my storage containers.  So, this begs the question? Does it make more sense to wait and buy a piece of electronics until the next version comes out...Always hoping they will hit a wall and stop making better junk?  OR....buy the latest version only to be beaten down when you see the newer version while you are waiting for the delivery?  I'm all ears...  Beware all...my little friend Canon G7X and I may be waiting in the bushes to send your image to the National Enquirer.   

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