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Monday, February 27, 2017

One Photo # 58, Moving Heaven and Earth

I was pushing useless material objects around in my morning coffee haze and I heard a mechanized sound on the road above OM.  To my surprise it was the Big Bend Telephone assault crew coming to dig me a telephone line.  What no Javelina's gnawing on my line?  I was shocked to say the least.  After all.. it could be up to 3 months for a line they said.  Really?  3 months so I can pay them more money?  OK.  But here they are.  Big machines lurching and grinding there way to my humble settlement.  Huge Orange cable snaking into the ground.  A true construction marvel.  End of the day it was done.  My desert oasis was even better than before.  Men, machinery, technological expertise was all in play.  Until the foreman ca
me to the door and said.....we forgot our crimping tool and we can't splice into the Javelina cable.  No solid service for at least a week.  I offered my own tools but they said it was against policy.  So, there you go.  When technology seems to be the answer you just can't be sure.  Crimp on my friends ....please Crimp on.

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