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Saturday, February 18, 2017

One Photo # 49, Siege of the Tourons

Touronism  is an ugly thing.  It descends on a beautiful place and contaminates the surroundings and all that we came to a place for in the first place.  Having been a recovering touron I know this and can speak from experience.  I realize that tourons are so "into it" that they don't know they are ordering a coffee with a prep time of 13 minutes and a line behind them of 20 souls...some locals.  They don't realize they stop in the middle of the road to take a picture of the hardware store sign or that they drive so slowly that they have to brake when the car is in idle.  I know this.  Designer clothes make that squeaky noise as they ask for extra large marshmallows at the Cottonwood store.  Yes, I have been there.  Now, I'm the local in a siege of tourons and I can't help but wonder if I will be afflicted with the disease again?  Perhaps...but as all recovering tourons know...have patience because you are only a "scenic view" away from relapse.   

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