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Monday, February 13, 2017

One Photo # 43, Tres Amigo

I was sitting here weathering out the wind in the “Dancer”, short for the Land Yacht.  A few of you may remember the water “Slow Dancer” before the near sinking.  As was counting the minutes until being blown into the desert, I realized that friends are often times few and far between.  I’m not talking those sort of friends...  You know the ...OMG he is going to play golf on Valentines Day or the ones that occasionally rear their heads in your life.  You know who I mean.  Oh, I didn’t know you survived cancer and moved to Wyoming and became governor.  Or the guys who go...”Wow that was a great game....???  And they are talking about the one night in 1976 when they ripped one.  

I’m talking about those chosen few who don’t hang up.. the ones who ask you something, the ones who will listen after 5.7 years of silence.  It’s strange I think because men seem to do it differently.  We do a piss pour job of maintenance but somehow can over come the time.  Well, some of the time.    My question to you tonight and don’t think this is one of those read and forget posts....oh no...  

How many friends are friends...not the 343,345 on Facebook?  Do you have three?  If so... you may win the prize...TBA of course.... You do not have to be present to win, but it always helps.  All results are confidential.  Enjoy the exercise...or not.

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