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Friday, February 17, 2017

One Photo # 48, The Weather Man

Being in harsh environments requires one to monitor your weather situation.  Not paying attention can get you killed.  I remember falling off of a dog sled in the middle of the night in Arctic and thought I was going to die right there.   Well, ok.  I was stumbling across the courtyard at Lion's Head in Vail going from one Apres Ski to another when I slipped and fell in the snow bank.  Same sort of thing.  Today the weather station is up and running.  I have to go out in the elements and double check the installation.  Damn scary out there.  

Today I am launching a new Big Bend weather classification.  Similar to my college Dr. Fujita's work on tornadoes.   The classification is named the Hillitta scale of wind velocity.  I won't bore you with the formula's but it goes sort of like this.

H-1   Little Breezy

H-2   Damn Breezy

H-3  Freaking Windy

H-4  Blowin it's Ass Off

H-5 @$##@%ing  Tornado

Today we were in the H-2 category as opposed to three night ago when we hit the H-4 and made my roof a little lighter.   While you may not see me tied to a stop sign during a storm on the weather channel, I will do my best to protect and serve.  

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