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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

One Photo # 46, Lifeline Terlingua

Does anyone remember the world before Al Gore made the internet?  I barely do.  I have become accustomed to being able to log on and google the world.  Now, living the pioneer life.  I realize that the little grey cable is not just a cable but a lifeline.  Since there is only one phone technician for 4500 square miles of desert....it might take put to three months to get some "real" service.  So, thankfully the only phone technician in the area is also a humanitarian.  I now have 1000 feet of phone cable strung in the bushes and cactus to the By Miles HQ.  A permanent fix?  No not hardly.  I was told the coyotes and the field mice enjoy dining on the outer coating.   If you ever come this way....know this...life is hard in this part of the world.  Adios.  

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