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Saturday, March 4, 2017

One Photo # 63, Bagophilia

Like many of us, you know something is wrong.  At first you observe it but do not worry.  Then you worry but do not do anything.  Afterwards, you become obsessed but then wall the affliction off with denial.  The same said story has come to pass with me too.  I have never been officially diagnosed with Bagophilia but it's obvious I am a victim.  17 packages of Zip Locks speaks volumes on how terrible this curse can be.  Maybe deep down I'm afraid the plastics industry will fold or the EPA will shut them down.  The thought of going back to saran wrap keeps me awake.  Well, today I am starting down the road to recovery.  I bought washable containers.  No small feat for a Bagophiliac.  Sure I will still use up the ones I have...oh lord no.. and save the super duty sliding freezer bags for those "special moments".  Come out of the closet I say.  Join me in finding a clean reusable future.  Maybe someday we will be in the movement that brings back the returnable coke bottle.  

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