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Friday, March 10, 2017

One Photo # 69, A Strange Snack

What do people eat when they are not supposed to eat?  That really is what a snack is, right?  Something to tide you over until you eat that other stuff that is going to be the meal.  Well, years ago an amigo told me about these strange canned snacks if you can call them that...Kipper snacks.  Says it on the can.  Odd oily fish compacted in a slick silver can with one of those big roll back openings.  You know the ones that your parents always said to be careful with.  "It's going to cut you...let your dad to that."  He cut himself of course.  So, I found these odd things in the Cottonwood store here in Terlingua the other day.  Cottonwood is the definition of the country store.  They sell gourmet cheese, tire repair supplies, drill pipe, plants, and medical devices.  And yes, they sell kipper snacks.  All those Easterners must love anything that they can eat without building a fire.

This is not a hot plate gourmet moment but I have come across the perfect pre-meal meal that is not a real meal.  The stuff that is in the kipper can...minus the oil, some mayo hot sauce, a little wasabi salt, and a pair of chop stixs.  Yep, it's so hip Terlingua.  Give it a try and help me come up with a name.

Maybe...Spicy stink fish? 

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