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Monday, March 27, 2017

One Photo # 85, The Marfa Lights

Progress.  Why does it always seem so intrusive?  Sometimes don't you just wish they would leave things alone?  Take the stretch of road between Marfa, Texas and Alpine, Texas on Why 90.  The mysterious Mitchell Flats ,home of the Marfa Lights.  Now there is this crazy building and all these perches to stand on.  Really?  The resident aliens are looking back at the throngs of people in this auditorium looking thing and going, " Damn, what over kill, I'm glad I don't live in this crazy place all the time.".  What was wrong with the old concrete picnic tables?  I have seen them 3 times and taken some cool photos of them from just the tables.  Which are now gone.  I don't think expansion is always the best plan when dealing with the unknown.  Just my opinion.  I could be wrong.

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