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Thursday, March 23, 2017

One Photo # 82, The Ghost Pizza

What is will power anyway?  Someone needs to explain to me truly what it is.  Does it mean you don't do something you didn't want to do anyway?  Or maybe it was 51/49 in favor of not doing something  or doing it?  What the hell is it?  Ok.  If you tackle that one? Does it get harder to have this mysterious "willpower" when you get older?  Dang I don't even know if it's one word or two.  Get those answers rolling in.  I've asked seven questions in 9 sentences and so far no answers.

The pizza ghost is the pizza that should be on that plate that I decided not to get.  Yes, my choice last night after a crazy EMS run was not to order the pizza that I have had in the past.  You see I've been trying to eat better.  UGG.  You know, low carb, no sugar, all kinds of green tasteless lawn mover waste.  In general I have relegated myself to everything that is tasteless and not of my past culinary history.  With a few cheating episodes under the table.   I have realized that you are only as good as your last,  "non meal".  So, will power, why is it hard to do?  I wanted that pizza like my last breath of air.  I could taste the Italian sausage as it tickled my tastebuds.  But I said no.  It hurt so good...for a little bit.  As we drove away with me queasy and waffling I felt a little empowered I admit.  But that quickly gave way to .....I'm too old to deny myself a freakin pizza....or who cares if I can't see my feet, my sprinting days are over.....I love elastic anyway so eat away...  Yes, I fought those to the point of dispare.   It  was like a  heroin addict I guess, waiting for the crash.  Today, I'm better.  The smell of extra crispy as gone from my nose.  Will power......I guess.  What is it really worth?  Answers....I need answers.  

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