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Thursday, March 9, 2017

One Photo # 68, Upping my Game

I have always considered myself a "conservationist" of sorts.  I love wildlife and stopped hunting years ago.  I will swerve to miss a snake and have stopped to move turtles out of the road.  Stop the sniffles please, I have a  darker side.  My lustful hate for the winged insect knows no bounds.  I hate them all.  I have been told that they have redeeming qualities occasionally. Pollination has been mentioned along with their best quality....Honey of course.  I don't really despise those varieties because they leave you alone for the most part.  My hatred is focused at those miserable sideshow freaks the gods put on this earth to sell 100% DEET and citronella candles.  The Mosquitos and the flies.  Out here on the frontier we are starting fly season.  If these beasts have a propose I can't find anyone that knows it or admits it.  Today I have declared war on the ugly buzzing pests and have upped my game.  Gone high tech I suppose. The only thing I'm missing is a good greasy fairway grip and a 50 gallon trash bag to sack them up.  I am decimating the population.  It won't be long before it's like living in Singapore.  You hear the gentle hum of DDT foggers early in the morning...Huge clouds of pesticide slowly drifting down the street.  Little men with blowers and wet rags around their heads marching along....Some of course are blind, and few have buffalo humps but in Singapore you can leave your windows open... Heaven.  Me, I have chosen to face the bastards eye to eye, mano a mano, a duel to the dead.   Fight back I say....I fight back.

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