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Monday, March 13, 2017

One Photo # 72, The Indecisive Moment

The great French street photographer, Henri Cartier Bresson spoke about the decisive moment in his work.  I am here to talk about the "indecisive moment" as it relates to dinner choices of course.  How many of you out there have had those days when it's impossible to come up with what you want for dinner.  Come on....I know you know.  Too lazy or not hungry enough for the big meal and too hungry to just eat that 4 week old mozzarella cheese stick.  Well, I was in the grip of the indecisive moment this evening.  Anyone ever made party snacks for dinner?  Never?  Tonight it was grilled bacon wrapped shrimp as the main course with Tamagoyaki with gouda cheese and diced shrimp inside, bathed in a glaze of yum yum sauce.  To round it off a half of a banana with some sugar free syrup.   Take that for the strangest dinner in recent memory.  UPDATE:  I'm still holding it down.  But forgot I'm on duty.  May the force be with me.

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