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Thursday, March 16, 2017

One Photo # 75, Who Be You

Have you ever wondered how you would describe yourself to someone who never had met you?  One of those third party descriptions like, "the truth about Al'.  Not one of those match description things about how wonderful you are and your poetry writing or your loving long walks in the rain.  I mean an honest evaluation of you.  I hear something the other day that completely startled me.  A truth I think' that hit me right between the eyes like a champagne cork on New Year's.  

It goes something like this.  We are a pain oriented society.  The basis of the vast majority of our interactions is pain.  Stay with me.  It's pretty true.  We have conversations mostly about things that are wrong.  In other words we complain.  I start complaining about the weather and you jump in....then we move to my back and your foot.  We could go on for days like this but if we changed the subject to what is awesome and I had the best day and my whoopee was fabulous this morning... We would be shut down in a blink.  The person we were talking to would think.."I don't need to listen to this crap", or "what a conceded blank and bragger".  Right?  Tell it's not true?  It is.   If we had a job and a death in the family our employer would say ...usually...go take care of your family situation. Come back when you are ready...  If you had a flat or car trouble...most would just shrug overlook the details...or if you were sick.   But what would happen if you decided that today the weather was perfect and you wanted to be outside?  They would tell you to never come back if you took the day off.  All true I think.  Does anyone think that is one really strange way to live?  It caused me to take a look at who I really am and who I think I am and who I would like to be.  Sufficient to say...I'm not the person I want to be.  I happen to like myself and a pathway that is a little odd perhaps but I am that mostly the complaining person that I mentioned before.  I just didn't pay much attention to it because most of the folks around me were doing to the same thing.  So, my future gift to all of you...friends out there.  Even the ones I really don't know....I promise to listen to every positive, happy, inspiring, playful,  and exciting word, plan, dream, and act you throw at me.  If I forget....you remind me.  Now stop complaining and go introduce yourself to you.  

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