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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

One Photo #87. Rock Solid Failure

My entry wall was coming along slowly.  When I mean slowly I mean slower than a government worker in a drivers license office..  Damn, rocks are heavy. Yes, don't say it.  For the last few days I've been picking them up along the road on my property and moving them to the now gated entrance.  No guard tower yet so if you visit..just walk around them.  I was busting my ass trying to get these rocks to stack so they looked impressive.  But I would get them going pretty good and of course I would try for too much and they would fall.  It happened a lot.  Then finally I just got tired and starting leaving the fallen ones in their place.  All of the sudden...I had a bigger foundation.  Not as high but stronger and more solid.  Something you could build high on.  Hum.  Maybe all those times you fail at something you really want it is just the gods way of telling you that you need a bigger and stronger foundation.  Success built on match sticks will not survive the wind.  Failing can teach you a lot.  It seems I should be the smartest guy on earth based on that, but maybe I need to lift heavier rocks.  Every day I learn something that I wish I had known before.  Oh well, now pass the BEN GAY.  

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