Come follow the action. Add yourself as a follower and get your invitation details.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Year's Eve, Gracias Amigos

Over the last few years there have been a few bizarre changes in my life progression.....stop the snickering.   One thing is for sure....New Years has been just one more night because I have always been working.  Tonight, I'm not and I want to say thank you to all the men and women out there in every country and city and god for sake nowheresville on the face of the earth.  THANK YOU FOR STANDING THE WATCH TONIGHT FOR THE REST OF US.  

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Waiting for the Magic

Merry Christmas 2017.   Looking for the magic.

Friday, December 22, 2017

No Reason to Stop

Just a couple of weeks before the departure.  Nothing like getting some more information about the destination before you  head out.  You have to love the phase that really gets the juices flowing...."no reason to stop".   I've been there a few times and it looks like I will be diving in one more time.  Stay tuned for the rest of the story.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

You never know...

Some idle Sunday you just never know.  On the porch with Alex and Sierra and those random pieces that make it all worth while.   A toast to the things you can never place a price on.   

Friday, December 15, 2017

The Passport Pucker Factor

Just send in the old Passport to Washington.  No worries.  No you can't send a self addressed priority envelope with it to send back with a tracking number or anything.  Not unless you get someone who is loving there embassy mail room job.  Right.   It's terrifying.   I guess I could pay the big bucks to do the hand carried expedited deal.  Well, no that would cut into my La Cream budget so it's mail that puppy and hope for the best.  Today was a good day.  I got my visa before I hit the max pucker factor time limit.  Looks like it's a Kenya thang for sure.....  

Thursday, December 14, 2017

A Civilized Redneck

Frontier living is not for the faint of heart.  Hardships and setbacks are part of the daily fabric of existence here in this desolate forgotten  corner of Texas.   As I fight on against the odds, I have managed to score a victory if not of mind then of body.  Yes, my fellow life travelers ....a redneck hot tub.  Stock tank, some dry wood and the Chofu heater have increased my tolerance of the elements.  Not to mention a few bottle of La Cream for the cellar.  I am preparing for the African Plains in style.   So many surprises popping up these days it's good to soak in the quiet and look out at this view and realize.....

Thursday, December 7, 2017

The Aspen of Big Bend

Winter Sports Report: #1

Hello Winter sports fans.   Many of you have been asking for a weather update in the Aspen of the Big Bend....formally known as Terlingua.    Currently on the mountain we have blowing snow with low visibility.   Mt. Burnout has a solid base with more powder falling during the day.  Due to high winds, snow drifts could become worrisome.   Please take all necessary safety precautions and do not ski out of  bounds or in non designated areas.   Avalanche mitigation teams will be on the early tomorrow morning focusing primary around the Toilet Bowl and deep powder areas of Cocaine Drop and Mary Jane catwalk.    This report is provided by the Terlingua Desert Winter Sports Association and Downhill Club.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

A Yellowstone Summer December Day

A Yellowstone Summer December Day

I wrote this sitting on the banks of the Shoshone River one evening.  Yellowstone is a funny place, millions of tourists coming and running from tourist attraction to tourist attraction.  Few really seeing what is just off the road.   Enjoy.

Pavement Crowd

They come in droves on cobblestone
The wilderness left all alone

They drive, they stand, they take a look
at vistas listed in the book.

They watch the geysers blow and twist
and make more checks upon their list.

Their frontier is the motor way
and where they eat and where they stay.

The wonders there beyond the trees
are free to all in summer breeze.

But most these folks will find it not,
Their comfort is the parking lot.

So tell them all just what they miss,
The sky, the lake, all natures bliss.

The few who are to venture out
will be in awe without a doubt.

In places where the wilds abound
the pavement crowd will not be found.

Fast food, the phone and internet
is really what they thought they’d get.

A minute here, a minute there
moments spend in silence rare.

The time it takes for selfie shot
is time enough to mark the spot.

Their trip is based on wifi strength
and hotel food and what to drink.

Travel here is all by choice,
You will not hear my judging voice.

But if you want the other way
Come and stay another day.

Bring your boots and hiking pack
leave your car and walk a track.

And you will find a Yellowstone
that may be best when seen alone.

  1. Miles Hill     6/18/17
Yellowstone Summer  Shoshone River 

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Notes from the end of the Road

It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful the desert can be.  It's sort of like going to Terlingua.  You either love it or hate it.  I'm helping out some folks in one of the most remote places on the North American continent at the moment.  And yes,  I have some internet.  It's about 420,000 acres of protected biosphere named, "EL Carmen Land and Conservation Company".  It straddles the U.S and Mexican border with about 400,000 of those acres on the Mexican side.  10,000 foot mountains, forests, rivers, lakes, and the best part?  Not a cow to be seen.  All the land has been returned to it's natural state.  If you have ever been out to the Big Bend you would not be able to recognize it.  It's full of bear, elk, bighorn sheep, pronghorn, and mountain lion.   Just hard to imagine what the city is like anymore.   Those of you that are willing should come on out.  You won't regret it.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A New Time Coming

It's official.   I'm gong to have a new home for a few months.  Say hello to Chogori Hospital in Eastern Kenya.   It's at the foot of Mt. Kenya and serves a zillion square miles of bush.   It's the only healthcare facility within a couple of hundred miles.  I'm going to be working to help them put together and EMS system and staff their mobile rural healthcare unit.  My other job for the time I'm there is to teach anti poaching game ranger units Tactical Combat Care in the bush.  These guys are fighting to save the last of the wild elephants and lions in Africa.  And the facts are that they are doing extremely dangerous work and dying in the process.  Time to do my part.  I'm putting to gather a small Non-profit before I leave to help supply them with what they need.  I am funding the first round of this myself but please spread the world. I'm going to need some help.  We need to have some of this amazing wildlife left for the generations that come after us.   So, if your plans include East Africa in the Spring you will have someone you know.  More on things later.

Monday, October 30, 2017

One Photo. # 100, Stop Needling Me

Having survived the Latin flood I decided to try some Asian Juju.   My aching back went to visit Dr. Chew the needle pusher.  My first acupuncture experience of any note.  And yes...you feel it.  Not sure what the results are yet but glad this wasn't a bunch of paramedic students doing some practice.

Friday, October 27, 2017

One Photo # 99, Good Bye Waterworld

The story finally comes to a close on the strange encounter of diving above water.  20.6 inches of rain in 5 days.  Move over Hurricane Harvey.  Today it finally stopped raining and gave me a glimpse of what could have been.   Oh well, another time.   Some cold pizza from the kitchen and the Roatan Pizza oven.   Only sunset of the week was a doozy.   

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

One Photo # 97. Indoor Sports Island Style

As the rains continue to fall and the wind is now about 35 mph, I causally wave at the poor souls hanging onto any they can find onboard. Sabrina as it attempts to get through the 5-7 foot swells on it's way to the other side of Roatan.  The crew was not it's singing island self but more like a pissed off golf course cart guy waiting for the only numb nuts golfer to go out in the thunderstorm.  I wish them well and doubt that I will see them at dinner.   And so it goes in the Bay Islands.    No diving for this cowboy today.  No way.  I'm blaming it on a bit of back ache and a few years of boat barfing experience.  I have managed to find some island indoor sports to lift my damp spirits.   It's not exactly the moonlight beach limbo contest but one must endeavor to persevere.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

One Photo # 98. It Always Rains Underwater

Understanding the irony of saying I'm tired of being wet when one is diving, I'm saying it.  I'm tired of being wet when I'm diving.  A quick run to Roatan for some bubble blowing has turned into motral combat with the forces of evil.  No more dry cloths and trench foot.  Throw a little chaffing in to round off the triad.   Solid rain for the better part of 3 days makes a person question his choice of season and whether that "Super Deal" was really a deal at all.  Discussing the nuances of Honduran weather forecasting with a Brit living here, he cheerfully reminded me that "it always rains underwater".   I tried to remember that as my cap was dripping quarter size drops into my scrambled eggs this morning.  It always rains underwater.   

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

One Photo # 96. An Owner a Slave

Nothing could be more god awful that "downsizing".  I can imagine being nibbled away by African ants or being forced to deal with Bangladeshi internet server tech support people for a week.   This is at least my 4th rendition of "downsizing".  Today, on my second trip to the free porch and my third dumpster trip, I realized that downsizing is actually a dirty nasty horrible four letter word.  Now forever known as "DNSZ.  Your pronunciation may vary.  I will save the normal rant about buying and rebuying and duplication and all that.  What I realized today was I am the slave to all this shit I can't make myself get rid of.  It's a simple question of who owns who?  I am the complete slave to the crap that I own.  The RV, the well pump, the main breaker box. they all have a piece of me.  The worst part is any one of the 5 hammers I own will jump up and hit me in the face.  The amount of Time I have invested in keeping things that I don't use or need or even want has hit me like a ton of obsolete photo gear.  It owns me.  I am in a war people.  A fight to the death with so much bizarre junk I can't even tell you.  Mutant vehicle burning man pieces, costumes, amazon death masks, slot machines, camel saddles, tools of all kinds, and camera gear.  Years ago I had everything I owned stolen from a couple of huge storage units in Austin.  I mean a 3 bedroom house with everything in huge storage units.  Everything gone accept one suit and a canoe.  And what I had in my truck.  Where are those guys now?   I mean when you need them.  Any brave soul wanting to come on down to Terlingua and participate in the twilight zone of garage sales please come on down.  Tomorrow, more of the same.  Pain, anguish, and another trip to the dump and the free porch.  Please rub the furry belly of the DNSZ god for me tonight.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

One Photo # 96. Leaving to a New Beginning

It's strange really.  I haven't posted anything since mid May of this year.  I have occasionally taken a look at Facebook but not much.  Most of that was the influx of millions of our Asian and American tourist brothers and sisters into Yellowstone  who have stolen the bandwidth, but some of it was just feeling like sitting back and looking.  Now looking meant sitting with a Chardonnay mostly at some strong internet stop at some place like Bozeman, Montana or maybe Cody, Wyoming.  Having been connected full time for a couple of years, it was a big shock to be off the net.    I never realized how much I had come to depend on the internet and the ways it falsely connects you with the world.  I always was very proud of saying, "I have not owned a TV in 25 years".  Like I was professing my deep seated understanding of life and what was really important.  Right?  I just transferred that decreasing attention span to another media that is perhaps worse.  I could go on and on.  All that to say I'm back.  By Miles will be engaging in some very odd and edgy things going forward with some major changes thrown in.  So, come along for the ride.  

Thursday, May 18, 2017

One Photo # 95, Contrast

What a 48 hours on the Yellowstone.  So much snow here all of the sudden for a Texas guy.  Considering what I left a few weeks ago....104 at the ranch and then to this.   For some reason it caused me to start thinking about contrast...in photos, in evening sunsets, and in life.  I can say I've had a few.  Maybe about 6 lifetimes now all rolled up into one.  How about you?  

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

One Photo # 94, Natural Selection

If Darwin were to find the perfect sample of his "natural selection" idea and looked under the microscope to examine it, he would almost certainly see Yellowstone in the summer.  That is when the intelligence hierarchy and the food chain sort of get messed up.  Big bears....protective momma bears.....fast and strong.....bears, would be somewhere maybe in the middle of the mix.   You would think that a human who was smart enough to drive a car and work a big high dollar camera, would be at the top or near.  I have to love the giant tortoise on this one.  Anyway, you make your own judgement based on your own set of criteria from the photo.  Please note the direction of travel of the biggest bear.  I have to believe that Darwin is pointing....and laughing.

Monday, May 8, 2017

One Photo # 93, Wolves in the Valley

I have already written about the trials and tribulations of great wildlife photographers.  Dedicated, focused sacrifice to get the hard to find shots.  Remember?   Well, this one was on my way to get a belt in West Yellowstone.  Just off the Madison River Valley.   And no, this time I didn't even get out of the truck.  Perhaps it's a sign?  Should I give up the bandages, urinals, and stethoscope ?  

One Photo # 92, Thrill of the Hunt

Great photos are made with patience, determination, and skill.  In the vein of the great wildlife photographers like Art Wolfe or Nick Nichols, one has to be constantly be working and sweating to get the shot.  You must know your subject in and out, be willing to spend hours in harsh conditions and stillness to find that elusive prey.  OR, you can be driving to Cody to get toilet paper and drive right be these sheep sitting on the road.  Someone had to point to them as you drive around the guy stopped in the road only slightly miffed at the situation.  I even had to turn the radio down and put down my coffee to get this one.  And YES,   I did get out of the truck.  So it goes in Yellowstone.....

Thursday, May 4, 2017

One Photo # 91, What is your Sign

They are everywhere.  Signs....slow down, yield, speed limit, safety corridor, and of course my favorite...Rough Break Ahead.  Really?  I have to find that out by a "Sign"?  Of course....If only someone would have given me this much notice........

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

One Photo # 90, Back Home in Yellowstone

It's been a couple of years since my time in Yellowstone.  Now I'm here for another summer and it feels like home.  New faces of course, but the landscape and a ton of snow do not hide the beauty of this place.  I have taken a little break from the evils of social media and enjoyed some diving and a mega road trip all leading to here.  If you have never been here you should come.  If you come to the Canyon District, bring your snow boots and some La Crema Chardonnay.  I'm might be running low.  More to follow.  

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

One Photo # 88, Miscellaneous Hardware

I always used to think it was funny that my friends who bought "developmental properties", were so into their improvements.  Oh Lordy, how that has changed.  OM got a gate.  Yep, not much to look at YET?   But I have a few ideas.  Anyone wanting to chime in on details please don't hesitate.  Anyone close to First Monday please let me know.  I need some of those big tin letters.  Reward is possible.  It's not like the gate sign at the Ponderosa but it might be.  A toast to the pioneer spirit and a good stick welder.  

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

One Photo #87. Rock Solid Failure

My entry wall was coming along slowly.  When I mean slowly I mean slower than a government worker in a drivers license office..  Damn, rocks are heavy. Yes, don't say it.  For the last few days I've been picking them up along the road on my property and moving them to the now gated entrance.  No guard tower yet so if you visit..just walk around them.  I was busting my ass trying to get these rocks to stack so they looked impressive.  But I would get them going pretty good and of course I would try for too much and they would fall.  It happened a lot.  Then finally I just got tired and starting leaving the fallen ones in their place.  All of the sudden...I had a bigger foundation.  Not as high but stronger and more solid.  Something you could build high on.  Hum.  Maybe all those times you fail at something you really want it is just the gods way of telling you that you need a bigger and stronger foundation.  Success built on match sticks will not survive the wind.  Failing can teach you a lot.  It seems I should be the smartest guy on earth based on that, but maybe I need to lift heavier rocks.  Every day I learn something that I wish I had known before.  Oh well, now pass the BEN GAY.  

Monday, March 27, 2017

One Photo # 86, Stop Reading my Mind

So, have you ever heard the saying that 'free advice is worth the price you pay?"   Well, what is five dollar advice worth when it comes from a trash can?  Hum.  The hard discussions of life on an idle Monday.  Sole search my friends.. and find that five bucks.  Let me know how it goes....

One Photo # 85, The Marfa Lights

Progress.  Why does it always seem so intrusive?  Sometimes don't you just wish they would leave things alone?  Take the stretch of road between Marfa, Texas and Alpine, Texas on Why 90.  The mysterious Mitchell Flats ,home of the Marfa Lights.  Now there is this crazy building and all these perches to stand on.  Really?  The resident aliens are looking back at the throngs of people in this auditorium looking thing and going, " Damn, what over kill, I'm glad I don't live in this crazy place all the time.".  What was wrong with the old concrete picnic tables?  I have seen them 3 times and taken some cool photos of them from just the tables.  Which are now gone.  I don't think expansion is always the best plan when dealing with the unknown.  Just my opinion.  I could be wrong.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

One Photo # 84, Shopping at the Prada

After so many years of riding the back roads in this state nothing really surprises me anymore.  Except.  Every time I go by the Prada shop in the middle of nowheresville on Hwy 90 just outside of Valentine.  You just can't make this up.  Nice selection, especially those heels.... if you shop there bring some cash and water.  Just a suggestion.

Friday, March 24, 2017

One Photo # 83, The Cool Chisos

The heat has broken...Winter has returned.  Well, not really, at least it was not 104 today.  It was 82 and perfect.  Just like the view.   Never underestimate the power of the cool weather and some sunshine to engage your natural YEE HAA.  

Thursday, March 23, 2017

One Photo # 82, The Ghost Pizza

What is will power anyway?  Someone needs to explain to me truly what it is.  Does it mean you don't do something you didn't want to do anyway?  Or maybe it was 51/49 in favor of not doing something  or doing it?  What the hell is it?  Ok.  If you tackle that one? Does it get harder to have this mysterious "willpower" when you get older?  Dang I don't even know if it's one word or two.  Get those answers rolling in.  I've asked seven questions in 9 sentences and so far no answers.

The pizza ghost is the pizza that should be on that plate that I decided not to get.  Yes, my choice last night after a crazy EMS run was not to order the pizza that I have had in the past.  You see I've been trying to eat better.  UGG.  You know, low carb, no sugar, all kinds of green tasteless lawn mover waste.  In general I have relegated myself to everything that is tasteless and not of my past culinary history.  With a few cheating episodes under the table.   I have realized that you are only as good as your last,  "non meal".  So, will power, why is it hard to do?  I wanted that pizza like my last breath of air.  I could taste the Italian sausage as it tickled my tastebuds.  But I said no.  It hurt so good...for a little bit.  As we drove away with me queasy and waffling I felt a little empowered I admit.  But that quickly gave way to .....I'm too old to deny myself a freakin pizza....or who cares if I can't see my feet, my sprinting days are over.....I love elastic anyway so eat away...  Yes, I fought those to the point of dispare.   It  was like a  heroin addict I guess, waiting for the crash.  Today, I'm better.  The smell of extra crispy as gone from my nose.  Will power......I guess.  What is it really worth?  Answers....I need answers.  

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

One Photo # 81, Toasty March

There are some good things about having a weather station.  You know exactly how much you are exaggerating the wind speeds and fudging on the temperatures.  There are also some bad things.  Like today.  When you realize that you don't need to exaggerate the temperatures and you really aren't making up the real temperature.  March 22 it was 104 at OM.  Yep, the old accu-rite didn't lie.  The record in the almanac was 98.  I would say another smashed record.  Only 22 or so above normal.  Glad the Rockies and some snow are only a few weeks off.  

One Photo # 80, Water is for Sissies

The Desert never ceases to amaze.  Ocotillo blooming in the desert.  Just FYI, there hasn't been any rain here since Dallas won a playoff game.  It blows with the season and not the weather.  Very cool.  Maybe we all should start blooming with the season and let the weather tell us what to do?  Hum.

Monday, March 20, 2017

One Photo #79, Buzzard Bait Spring

There he is just sitting there.  The grim reaper of the Big Bend.  Hoping for a mistake.  Waiting for your bad luck,  An opportunist to be sure.  Just sitting there waiting for doom.  On the first day of Spring no less.  Well, the old weather station hit 102 degrees today.  In fact, at 6:30 PM it was the old century plus two.  Now a whole host of adjectives come to mind like shit hot, miserable, torture, or inhuman.  Are any of those adjectives? You get the idea.  I realize the sun gods are punishing me because I bitched about 91 last week.  I get it.  But 102?  Come on.  The record out here was 98 so that is a tad vindictive.  This temp was at the By Miles World Headquarters of course.  Maybe under the radar for the National Weather Service but no matter.  A new world record is a new world record.  Our first at OM and the HQ.   What a way to bring in the Spring.  Damn the buzzards! Go out and smell the Springtime.  

Sunday, March 19, 2017

One Photo # 78, The Passing Wind

I have written about Jimmy Holbrook before.  In life.  If you are interested go back a year in "NOISE".  There isn't anything to written about him in death that would surpass the life so I'm not going to try.  War hero, humanitarian, local legend, all around good guy.   Jimmy, you could dance...man you could sure dance.  

Saturday, March 18, 2017

One Photo # 77, My Life in 10,000 Steps

Those of you who really know me will testify that I'm not a gadget guy.  Fact is...technology scares me.  I actually bought my phone because I needed a phone.  So, it's obvious that I had to have been given this Fitbit piece of machinery.  I finally decided to put the thing on and get some help to make it work.  Now,  I can be made painfully aware of my sloth like lifestyle each and every minute of the day.  Not what I had hoped to be reminded of believe me.  Where did this 10,000 steps torture setting come from anyway?  Who decided I needed to move my body 10,000 steps a day?  I can asure you that moving my body is much more difficult than moving yours.  It's a simple max density equation.  No math here don't worry.  Simplified:  My wheel barrow is more full than yours.  I even saw online today, while I was working up to taking another step, on ways to cheat on the steps meter.  Really?  It's true.  I'm sure some of you have a few ways to hit the buzzer too but it occurred to me that I do have a few  favorites.

Cheaty Ways to Beat the Bit

1.  It takes approximately 87 steps to kill a La Crema Chardonnay bottle.  If you open it yourself it's even better.  Add a couple if you have to get up to get it out of the refrigerator.

2.  Taking a shower.  Yes, I know...it's only water resistant.  But you can knock off about 97 steps with a good shampoo.  Stop...I"m not going there.

3.  101 Steps can be achieved by shaking my famous Mexican Martini recipe. If you go vigorous on it.  Ok.  I might have thrown in a few Samurai lime cuts to buck up the number but it's close.

4. 113 Steps on a full Hokey Pokey.  No video today.

5. Zero steps for that one.  Unless you got the cat of nine tails out.   Might be available on the upgrade?

6. 954 Steps to wash one large Ambulance and one rescue vehicle.  Considering you really aren't taking many steps on this one,  it's a nice perk.

I'm sure some of you have more so let me know.  Please cheat with some dignity.  Last week I saw a women tourist here, get up from the porch.  Go to the parking lot and just wave her arms around for a minute.  A sad sight but I now understand the quest for the wiggling wrist ogre flashing your praises.  Go forth and move something.

Friday, March 17, 2017

One Photo # 76, A Hot Terlingua St. Patties

This was not one of those normal St. Patties day events.  I was just getting ready to get into the parade when the fire alarms went off.  Lajaitas has one less set of buildings and a few less cars tonight.  Not being a fireman by trade it always amazes and impresses me that people, men and woman do that stuff.  Just in case you don't know, most firemen and firewomen in Texas are volunteers.  Let me say that again,  VOLUNTEERS.  If you ever go the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland you will see the names of those who have died in the line of duty etched on a wall.  Most are volunteers.  Let me say that again.  VOLUNTEERS.  So, if you ever get a chance, maybe it would be nice to say thanks.  They all do great and difficult work.  But these are the people that leave their jobs, take risks, work their asses off, and don't get paid.

The lone paramedic doesn't get to shoot water but I do occasionally get to be the back up keyboard player.  This was my keyboard today.  One of those seemed to turn the water on.....which one?  Hum.  

Thursday, March 16, 2017

One Photo # 75, Who Be You

Have you ever wondered how you would describe yourself to someone who never had met you?  One of those third party descriptions like, "the truth about Al'.  Not one of those match description things about how wonderful you are and your poetry writing or your loving long walks in the rain.  I mean an honest evaluation of you.  I hear something the other day that completely startled me.  A truth I think' that hit me right between the eyes like a champagne cork on New Year's.  

It goes something like this.  We are a pain oriented society.  The basis of the vast majority of our interactions is pain.  Stay with me.  It's pretty true.  We have conversations mostly about things that are wrong.  In other words we complain.  I start complaining about the weather and you jump in....then we move to my back and your foot.  We could go on for days like this but if we changed the subject to what is awesome and I had the best day and my whoopee was fabulous this morning... We would be shut down in a blink.  The person we were talking to would think.."I don't need to listen to this crap", or "what a conceded blank and bragger".  Right?  Tell it's not true?  It is.   If we had a job and a death in the family our employer would say ...usually...go take care of your family situation. Come back when you are ready...  If you had a flat or car trouble...most would just shrug overlook the details...or if you were sick.   But what would happen if you decided that today the weather was perfect and you wanted to be outside?  They would tell you to never come back if you took the day off.  All true I think.  Does anyone think that is one really strange way to live?  It caused me to take a look at who I really am and who I think I am and who I would like to be.  Sufficient to say...I'm not the person I want to be.  I happen to like myself and a pathway that is a little odd perhaps but I am that mostly the complaining person that I mentioned before.  I just didn't pay much attention to it because most of the folks around me were doing to the same thing.  So, my future gift to all of you...friends out there.  Even the ones I really don't know....I promise to listen to every positive, happy, inspiring, playful,  and exciting word, plan, dream, and act you throw at me.  If I forget....you remind me.  Now stop complaining and go introduce yourself to you.  

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

One Photo # 74, Tres Catrinas

Do you ever see your day sort of looking like this?   Today was one of these days?  Just about everything I did today illicit a laugh from a grinning skull type person.  You know that sick laugh that says...pay if you want..you still get charged a late fee.  Or you get these enormous boxes from Amazon and you are jacked because you bought the biggest packing containers known to man.  Only to open them up and find the container you ordered is half the size of the box.  Then you see a Catrina at the recycling trailer when you realize the huge cardboard boxes you pulverized in rage are now beyond hope of a return.   How about the cold boney hand on your shoulder at a 400 lbs. lift assist.  Yes, it was that kind of day and the grinning skulls were smiling.  LJ Short did this drawing.  There are still few prints life in the Art Gallery if you come this way.  

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

One Photo # 73, A Glass of Chisos

I heard today that when our local Philosopher  "Catfish" was asked what is the best thing about living in Terlingua he said, "the light".  Well, I now have proof that it's all about the light.  The Chisos Mountains have never looked as golden as they were tonight.  Please tip a glass of Chisos in honor the Catfish.  He was spot on.  

Monday, March 13, 2017

One Photo # 72, The Indecisive Moment

The great French street photographer, Henri Cartier Bresson spoke about the decisive moment in his work.  I am here to talk about the "indecisive moment" as it relates to dinner choices of course.  How many of you out there have had those days when it's impossible to come up with what you want for dinner.  Come on....I know you know.  Too lazy or not hungry enough for the big meal and too hungry to just eat that 4 week old mozzarella cheese stick.  Well, I was in the grip of the indecisive moment this evening.  Anyone ever made party snacks for dinner?  Never?  Tonight it was grilled bacon wrapped shrimp as the main course with Tamagoyaki with gouda cheese and diced shrimp inside, bathed in a glaze of yum yum sauce.  To round it off a half of a banana with some sugar free syrup.   Take that for the strangest dinner in recent memory.  UPDATE:  I'm still holding it down.  But forgot I'm on duty.  May the force be with me.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

One Photo # 71, Good Morning Moon

The ancient ones out here wrote about those rare times when night and day fade into one.  "Chee coweh manioca kakkao ah la lanano",  they used to say.  Or something like that.  This morning on the way to protect and serve this was my welcome.  No doubt about it.  It has to be good luck.  A morning moon settling in for the day.  It reminds me of that Dan Fogleberg song line, " the songs that the darkness compose to worship the light".   Love that song even though a band member ran off with my date at a Dan Fogleberg concert.  It's time to forgive.  "Ah Ha Lani Chac".   So true.  

Saturday, March 11, 2017

One Photo # 70, A Day at the Races

It's hard to believe that it's that time of the year again.  Early Spring can mean only one thing.  The Terlingua Chihuahua Races.  This is the week before the silence is melted by Tourons for Spring Break and the races provide a little culture before the onslaught.  Now the Chihuahua Races are not just for rat dogs.  They have a "Mestizo" category.  Which included some photo finishes this year.  This close race was one by BOOP TI in a laser like sprint.  If you have a rat dog or can borrow one, you might think about the Terlingua event provided Churchill Downs in not on your calendar this year.  

Friday, March 10, 2017

One Photo # 69, A Strange Snack

What do people eat when they are not supposed to eat?  That really is what a snack is, right?  Something to tide you over until you eat that other stuff that is going to be the meal.  Well, years ago an amigo told me about these strange canned snacks if you can call them that...Kipper snacks.  Says it on the can.  Odd oily fish compacted in a slick silver can with one of those big roll back openings.  You know the ones that your parents always said to be careful with.  "It's going to cut you...let your dad to that."  He cut himself of course.  So, I found these odd things in the Cottonwood store here in Terlingua the other day.  Cottonwood is the definition of the country store.  They sell gourmet cheese, tire repair supplies, drill pipe, plants, and medical devices.  And yes, they sell kipper snacks.  All those Easterners must love anything that they can eat without building a fire.

This is not a hot plate gourmet moment but I have come across the perfect pre-meal meal that is not a real meal.  The stuff that is in the kipper can...minus the oil, some mayo hot sauce, a little wasabi salt, and a pair of chop stixs.  Yep, it's so hip Terlingua.  Give it a try and help me come up with a name.

Maybe...Spicy stink fish? 

Thursday, March 9, 2017

One Photo # 68, Upping my Game

I have always considered myself a "conservationist" of sorts.  I love wildlife and stopped hunting years ago.  I will swerve to miss a snake and have stopped to move turtles out of the road.  Stop the sniffles please, I have a  darker side.  My lustful hate for the winged insect knows no bounds.  I hate them all.  I have been told that they have redeeming qualities occasionally. Pollination has been mentioned along with their best quality....Honey of course.  I don't really despise those varieties because they leave you alone for the most part.  My hatred is focused at those miserable sideshow freaks the gods put on this earth to sell 100% DEET and citronella candles.  The Mosquitos and the flies.  Out here on the frontier we are starting fly season.  If these beasts have a propose I can't find anyone that knows it or admits it.  Today I have declared war on the ugly buzzing pests and have upped my game.  Gone high tech I suppose. The only thing I'm missing is a good greasy fairway grip and a 50 gallon trash bag to sack them up.  I am decimating the population.  It won't be long before it's like living in Singapore.  You hear the gentle hum of DDT foggers early in the morning...Huge clouds of pesticide slowly drifting down the street.  Little men with blowers and wet rags around their heads marching along....Some of course are blind, and few have buffalo humps but in Singapore you can leave your windows open... Heaven.  Me, I have chosen to face the bastards eye to eye, mano a mano, a duel to the dead.   Fight back I say....I fight back.